London 2003

Bridges Bridges
London bridges during a day
Dungeon Dungeon
London Dungeon - really scary place
Greenwich Greenwich
Greenwich - the prime median of the world
Guards Guards
Changing the Guards in front of the Buckingham Palace
HMSBelfast HMSBelfast
Pictures from the warship in front of the Tower Bridge
Hostel Hostel
Photos of the place and of my friends from there
Museums Museums
I've visited several museums with my camera
Night Night
Do you also love taking pictures in the night?
Parks Parks
With schoolmates in Hyde Park
People People
Pictures of friends that I've met in London
Sights Sights
London Sights - the most frequently photographed places
Specials Specials
Some special pictures - really worth seeing
Stonehenge Stonehenge
From the trip to Stonehenge and Avebury
Stpauls Stpauls
Pictures and panoramas from St. Paul's Cathedral and the Monument